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3Generate 2022

We all survived the most amazing weekend at 3GENERATE .... we did so much and enjoyed arts and craft with eco and fellowship themes at the Arts Centre; jumping off the wall of faith; outdoor games in The Rec; lots of the exercise in The Park (a few even did the 3GEN Park Run with Ben); climbed the massive climbing wall; drank a lot of free milkshakes in the Hope & Anchor milkshake bar whilst also singing karaoke or playing group games; 2 our young people took part in 3GEN's Got Talent (they were both absolutely fantastic); danced at the silent disco; played tech games in The Hub; had discussions for the older ones in the "famous" inflatable Chapel (topics included mental health, LGBTQI+, justice, chronic illness, race, disability and transitional periods like to high school or college); drama and dance workshops in the Theatre Royal; we saw the therapy dogs in The Health & Wellbeing centre; and of course lots of lively worship and praise – we could go on forever as it was so awesome, but please do ask any of our Young People what they did and enjoyed the most ...... and believe us it definitely wasn't sleeping!

Thanks for all your support, Ben & Alison

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01226 321522

Barnsley Methodist Circuit
c/o Emmanuel Methodist Church
Huddersfield Road
S75 1DT

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Seek faithfully to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ