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Advent Bible Study 2


Week 2 – The gladness of Elizabeth and Zechariah

1. Without looking at the biblical text, how much of the story of Elizabeth and Zechariah can you retell?

Read Luke 1:5-25

2. What is meant by being "righteous in the sight of God"?

3. Why do you think Elizabeth and Zechariah remained faithful?

4. What do you think Zechariah had been praying for?

5. Why will John be "great in the sight of the Lord"?

6. How might Elizabeth and Zechariah feel about the generosity of God throughout the events so far?

7. How did Elizabeth and Zechariah react to God's generosity?

Read Luke 1:57-66

8. How did the whole village react to the birth of John? How did they show gladness?

9. News about the events at John's birth spread far and wide – how do we share good news with others? Do we choose what we do and don't share?

Read Luke 1:67-80

10. Zechariah reacts to God's generosity by saying this prophecy (known as the Benedictus). How do we react to God's generosity to us?

11. According to Zechariah, how is God generous and with who?

12. Who are the prophets of old and what is the 'horn of salvation'? (see Isaiah 53)

13. What was the 'oath to Abraham' and why did/does it matter? (see Genesis 15)

14. What does Zechariah mean by the 'rising sun' (or coming sunrise)?


Write a prayer or a verse for a hymn thanking God for all the generosity shown to us.

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