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A.F.R.I.C.A With Love

africa with love concert royal british legion concertafrica with love  africa craft sales  the acadamy theatreafrica with love emmanuel concert theyorkshire band of the royal british legionafrica with love st michaels methodist church doncater

Every Cloud has a Silver Lining

Every cloud has a silver lining as the saying goes, and on 3rd October at Emmanuel it came in the form of The Yorkshire Band of The Royal British Legion. (Though perhaps in brass rather than silver!)

As some of you will be aware the AFRICA with Love Choir and Dancers from Uganda were to perform at various venues around Barnsley over 5 days. Carol Higgins from Emmanuel had arranged a full itinerary; from a tour of the Town Hall, Cannon Hall, School Workshops, other concerts and so on. But sadly it was not to be.

At the last minute there were problems with entry visas and the whole UK trip had to be cancelled leaving the charity substantially out of pocket. The young people had been practicing for 18 months, so you can imagine their disappointment at not being able to come over to the UK. Some had never been on a bus, let alone an aeroplane!! It was to be a trip of a lifetime.

It was due to all the publicity surrounding the event that it came to the notice of the British Legion Band. They contacted us and kindly offered to give a free concert on the same night as the choir were to perform at Emmanuel. All proceeds were to go to the AFRICA UK Charity.

What a brilliant night it was, so many turned up despite the evening event being cancelled and then re arranged at the last minute. In all, the band played 15 items from:- Glorious Victory, Moulin Rouge,Tico Tico, a medley of 'Songs that Won the War' from both World Wars, Lord of the Dance and so on. Two short presentations were given on the work in Kyajubira Uganda, which included pictures of the trip this year and 'The Barnsley Team' and others at work. Also short video clips, showing a sample of the choir performing for us at a Welcome Party in January.

The Team also attended all the other venues that had been booked, in case people turned up and hadn't heard of the cancellations. We gave longer slide presentations about the trips and work in Uganda to those who came and it seemed to be well received despite everyone's disappointment. We didn't need our riot shields after all.

We were still invited along to St Andrew's Methodist Church Doncaster on 5th October for their Harvest Meal (cooked by the men) and they all made us so very welcome. After the meal around 70 stayed on to listen to our presentation and view the sale of craft items.

Better news for the choir, they have now performed in front of the President of Uganda and appeared on Ugandan TV all from the publicity it generated. How about that for an achievement from a small school and orphanage, miles from anywhere out in the bush!

So perhaps clouds do have silver linings!!!

Our sincere thanks go to the Yorkshire Band of the Royal British Legion, Emmanuel Methodist Church, St Andrew's Methodist Church Doncaster, Netherwood Advanced Learning Centre, Wombwell, Academy Theatre, Birdwell and to all who have kindly helped or volunteered in some way.

A total of £2050.00 has been raised and sent to the Charity.

Thank you so much for your valued support. It was much appreciated.

'The Team'.

David and Pauline Gill, Carol Higgins, Margaret Rowbotham, Robin and Michelle Lee

Get In Touch
01226 321522

Barnsley Methodist Circuit
c/o Emmanuel Methodist Church
Huddersfield Road
S75 1DT

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