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Buckley's Easter Celebrations

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Buckley Easter 2017

On Palm Sunday Barnsley Baptist Church joined with us at Buckley for our annual joint Palm Sunday service and walk of witness. This year, for a change, the sun shone for us and it was a beautiful morning. Those able to take part in the walk met early and walked around the surrounding area, stopping at convenient places to sing 2 or 3 appropriate hymns or choruses and to hand out palm crosses.
Meanwhile back at Buckley those from our 2 chapels who couldn't manage the walk met to start the service, which was led by George Senior, and began with palms being placed at the base of our Lenten cross. Those walking got back to join in the service just in time for the second hymn. Rev Ken Jefferson from the Baptist Church was invited to take part in the service by leading the prayers of intercession. Fellowship continued over refreshments which were served in the schoolroom at the close of the service.
During Lent different symbols had been added to our Lenten cross each week, culminating on Good Friday when, during the Christian Endeavour service, the nails were hammered into the cross during the Bible Reading.
On Easter Sunday morning, all these symbols had been removed from the cross and laid on the communion table leaving the cross bare. During the service the cross was transformed into a thing of beauty as members of the congregation came forward and filled it with spring flowers. In our Easter garden, which was on display in the entrance hall, the stone which had sealed the entrance to the tomb had been rolled away as Mary knelt in front of the empty tomb looking in. At the end of the service the cross, in all its splendor, was taken outside and we stood around it and sung Christ the lord is Risen today, Alleluia !! The cross was then left outside all day for the community and those passing by to enjoy its beauty.

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Huddersfield Road
S75 1DT

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