Stand up, Sit Down, Keep Moving was the message received at the Circuit Service.
A good number of folk gathered on a warm summers day at Staincross for the Circuit Service,
During the service presentations were made.
Congratulations were offered to Deacon Debbie Marsh following her ordination.
Thanks were expressed to Rev Bruce Russell for his five years Ministry in our Circuit.
Good bye and best wishes for a happy retirement were offered to both Bruce and Mrs Gwyneth Russell.
Thanks were offered and flowers presented to both Ellie Peet and Elizabeth Hambleton retiring Circuit Stewards.
Michael Sanderson presented to the Circuit a Faritrade Certificate as now the Circuit is recognized as a Fairtrade Circuit.
Fellowship followed after the service over tea and coffee.
Registered Charity no. 1135240
01226 321522
Barnsley Methodist Circuit
c/o Emmanuel Methodist Church
Huddersfield Road
S75 1DT