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Real Love Barnsley

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Real Love Barnsley

So far February has been a busy month for our North West Church family.
It began with a great number of volunteers sewing and knitting around 850 small hearts while others with a little help from local school children created 256 Valentine cards.

While this was happening, folk at Emmanuel and Kexborough with the help of Carol the NW older peoples support worker were gathering together names of people who would be on their own on February 14th and to whom a cream tea would brighten their day.

Thanks to the great number of volunteers, the results from all the planning were wonderful.
164 cream teas were delivered on Sunday afternoon and the recipients were highly delighted with their box of goodies. One older gentleman said ' you're the salt of the earth doing this'
Church families distributed hearts (in plastic bags) with a bible text, in parks and in local shops. The idea was for people to see them, pick them up as they were walking, keep one heart for themselves and give the other to a friend. A number of these have already been found and appreciated as a 'real act of kindness'
14 large hearts have been made and are being distributed around a number of nursing homes in the area for them to display.

So all in all a successful and rewarding outreach project – sharing real love across our borough.

"We love because he first loved us" 1John 4 – 19

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01226 321522

Barnsley Methodist Circuit
c/o Emmanuel Methodist Church
Huddersfield Road
S75 1DT

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Seek faithfully to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ