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Rev Phil Sharpe Sponsored Walk

revs phil  jane sharpe 10k portland oregon 17th may 2015

Phil's Sponsored Walk/Run Adventure in Portland, Oregon, USA, 17th May 2015.

I did it! I completed the 10k (Approx 6.5 miles) Badge below to prove it – seriously heavy bling! I half ran and half walked the first 5k, walked the rest and ran over the finishing line in 1 hour 36 mins to be welcomed by the immediate presentation of my medal.

I was some chuffed to have completed the course – my first ever 10k! I was by no meanslast. Out of just over 2,000 competitors, there were 100 people came in after me!!It was a fantastic atmosphere with lots of encouragement from cheerleaders andmusic along the way. Jane also completed the course, coming in just five minutes after me, even with her shoulder injury!

Thank you so much to all those of you who sponsored me. Christian Aid will be sopleased with the contribution for Burkino Faso. The money is still coming in, so Ican't give you a total yet, but I know of least £158 received so far from two churchesand various individuals. I also posted an invitation on Facebook for donations, whichraised £100 and went straight to Christian Aid. Thank you to all of you for your support.

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