Conversation 1 Who Is Jesus?
1. As best as you can remember what is one of the most exciting things that has happened to you in your life?
2. If you were given a day to do anything you would like, what would you do?
3. What is your favourite story of Jesus and why?
4. When do you sense that someone cared for you in your life in a memorable way, and you felt it had been Jesus who had ministered to you? Share.
5. Jesus died on the cross to reveal God's love – and then rose again to bring new life. Share when you have sensed God's love touching your life; and also a moment when you felt you began to live a new life.
(Unicef, Community image, Covered by Creative Commons 4.0 BY-NC, link to original image)
Registered Charity no. 1135240
01226 321522
Barnsley Methodist Circuit
c/o Emmanuel Methodist Church
Huddersfield Road
S75 1DT