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Rule of 6 – week 2 – series 1


Conversation 2 What Do I Believe?

1. If you could travel back in time to live through any one moment or event in world history, which time would you want to experience?
2. Share with your group one of your heroes....why is it you have chosen them?
Is it because of what they did or what they stood for?
3. Share with your group some of the moments in your life that have been foundational in shaping your faith and belief.
4. If someone said to you, "I don't believe in God." how would you answer?
5. Have you had any spiritual conversations with people from outside of our church community recently? What did you learn about their beliefs? What did you share about your own?

(Unicef, Community image, Covered by Creative Commons 4.0 BY-NC, link to original image)

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