Conversation 5 – 'Living a disciplined Christian life'?
1. Share a childhood experience when you got into trouble...! What happened, how did you feel, what consequences did you face?
2. Are you a person of routine? Looking back at the week share with your group where the routines are for you (if there are any!) either daily or weekly routines.
3. Often we see discipline as something harsh – a punishment – and routine as something boring. Discipline in our faith context can provide a rhythm and routines can enable us to grow through step by step faithfulness. That's why we are called 'Methodists' – because our approach to faith is somewhat methodical!
Do you think routine in a faith context is helpful?
What kind of disciplines shape your everyday faith?
4. The Methodist Way of life calls us as Christian people to be faithful in the disciplines of
€ Worship
€ Caring
€ Service and
€ Evangelism.
Do you think there is anything missing in this list? How 'balanced' are you in these Christian disciplines? Which ones do you find easier and which harder?
5. How do you evaluate how you are getting on with these areas of practical Christian life? How can we help each other?
Registered Charity no. 1135240
01226 321522
Barnsley Methodist Circuit
c/o Emmanuel Methodist Church
Huddersfield Road
S75 1DT