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Palm Sunday Service 5th April 2020


Greetings to you all,

In our worship today we remember Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem. In the days of social distancing it might be difficult to line the streets in quite the same way but that doesn't mean our welcome has to be any less heartfelt. As you worship with us today welcome Jesus into your home. Instead of throwing your coats on the road, throw them over the mess instead, forget the housework and any other jobs you need to do today and give Him all of your attention.

When you're ready click here* and our worship will begin.

*You will be taken to a YouTube playlist that will automatically play through several videos that comprise todays service.

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01226 321522

Barnsley Methodist Circuit
c/o Emmanuel Methodist Church
Huddersfield Road
S75 1DT

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Seek faithfully to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ